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How your child's SEN needs will be supported in education

Updated 02/06/2023

If you are concerned that your child may have additional needs you should talk to their teacher, early years worker or the lead for SEN in the case of a college.

If the school, early years setting or college has identified that your child or young person has, or believes that your child or young person could have, special educational needs or disabilities they will assess them and put in place support to meet their needs.

If your child is not in school or nursery, contact your health visitor or GP.

All schools and Early Years education providers in Ealing are committed to ensuring the best outcomes for all children and young people, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).  

We are guided by the Government's Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 0-25. This is available free of charge from the DfE Publications Centre and the website

Ealing has an inclusive approach to education and expects

  • All children and young people to be made to feel welcome at the education setting they attend.
  • A skilled and knowledgeable workforce that have the right skills to identify needs and put in the right support when it is needed.
  • Children, young people and their families to participate at all levels and to be actively involved in decisions that affect them.
  • Clear and accessible information.
  • A spirit of collaboration where together we build a community that benefits and includes everyone.

Some children and young people may need extra support at some time during their education journey. Almost all children and young people with SEND go to mainstream education settings and they are well supported there. Some children with special educational needs may need the help of a support plan which combines the different strands of education, health and care. These are known as EHC plans. Those with EHC plans may have a severe disability or complex health needs, likely to affect their learning, and may attend a special school. Others will be supported within a mainstream school with the help of an EHC plan.

Organisations in Ealing offering support

Ealing ISAID

ISAID (Impartial Support, Advice and Information on Disabilities and Special Educational Needs) offers free, impartial, independent advice and support to families living in Ealing with a son or daughter up to the age of 25 who has special educational needs or a disability (SEND). ISAID aim to ensure parents and young people understand everything and can fully participate in the EHCP process by explaining how the EHCP assessment process works.

Tel: 02039788989

Contact Ealing

Contact provide advice, information and support to families caring for children and young people aged 0-25, with any disability or additional need, regardless of diagnosis.

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